compile lk bootloader

The compilation of lk2nd is no longer introduced here, only the compilation method of lk1st is introduced.
The principle is actually very simple, just use the key provided by dragonboard to sign after getting aboot after cross-compilation.

  • Note: Not suitable for devices with secureboot enabled, if your device is not in the supported list, the effectiveness of the tutorial will not be guaranteed.
  • For some reasons, uz801 and sp970 do not turn on the led in the lk stage.
  • The most perfect model at present is the UFI001B/C series

Clone the lk2nd project

$  git clone

Enter the lk2nd directory and use the following command to start compiling

make TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi- lk1st-msm8916 -j8

After that, the build-lk1st-msm8916 directory will appear, copy the product emmc_appsboot.mbn for backup.

Clone signing tool qtestsign

$ git clone

Put the previous emmc_appsboot.mbn into the qtestsign directory, and then enter the following commands.

$ ./ aboot emmc_appsboot.mbn

After that, emmc_appsboot-test-signed.mbn will be generated , just brush it in.

$ fastboot flash aboot emmc_appsboot-test-signed.mbn